"Daveed Diggs created this smoky and spicy twist on a margarita as his entry for our Ultimate Margarita Showdown competition where he was challenged by Andy Cohen."
This recipe comes directly from Cointreau - which is a brand of orange-flavoured triple sec liqueur produced in Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou, France. It is consumed as an apéritif and digestif, and is a component of several well-known cocktails. Although the bottle is amber colored, the liqueur is actually colorless
Recommended glassware: Highball or Rocks glass.
Smoky Habanero Margarita
1 ounce Cointreau
1 ounce lime juice
2 ounces Mezcal
2 slices of a Habanero
Garnish with lime wheel and a habanero pepper
Rim with Habanero & Red Pepper Infused Salt
Rim your glasses by swirling a lime wedge around the top of your glass, then spin the rim in a bowl or plate of Habanero & Red Pepper Infused Salt.
Add all ingredients and ice to shaker and shake.
Strain into rimmed rocks glass filled with ice.
Garnish with lime wedge and whole habanero on a cocktail skewer
Serve it up and enjoy it!
Recipe from Cointreau